Care for Human Trafficking Vicitims
Help create a care package for current victims of human trafficking on the streets.
Care packages make a difference in the lives of women who are sex workers on the streets.
We don’t know everyone’s story. We don’t know where everyone has been. But we know where they can go. We know the sky is the limit and the dream is destination but someone has to reach out a hand and be a miracle for someone else. We want you to be a part of providing for people who are currently victims of human trafficking by donating to provide a care kit. Care kits will be provided for both men and women. We will also be providing a special kit for mothers on the street.
Our goal is to raise 3,500 dollars to provide over 100 care kits to victims on the streets.
Care Kits $12 will contain the following: underwear, hat, scarf, gloves, soap bar, lotion, tampons, pads, toothbrush, toothpaste, baby wipes, socks, hand sanitizer, shampoo and conditioner.
Mother’s Care Kits $25 will contain the following: underwear, children’s clothing, baby wipes, diapers, child’s soft toy, hat, scarf, gloves, soap bar, lotion, tampons, pads, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, socks, shampoo and conditioner.
Will you be a miracle today?
How to help
Collect hotel toiletries while you are on vacation.
Donate toiletries, clothing and other supplies
Assemble care packages
Deliver care packages
Join the prayer team